
3 Ways To Promote Your Custom SEO Articles More Successfully

Having custom SEO articles created for you by an article service is only the beginning of a successful article marketing campaign. Once you have your SEO articles, it is important to consider carefully how you will use them to best advantage. The best written SEO article in the world will do absolutely nothing for your business if it just watch repair sits on your hard drive.There are several possible tactics which you can use, and many article marketers tend to choose particular strategies, and stick to them. Your custom SEO articles will need to be submitted or published, but you have several choices to make, and questions to ask. Here is a rundown of the most important questions, with the arguments for and against each tactic, helping you to decide on the best way to promote your SEO articles and your online business.Strategy 1: Submit your article to just one or two article directories, and nowhere else.This is a valid tactic, and is used by many successful marketers. Many article directories will not accept articles submitted which have been posted elsewhere. By choosing the highest ranking article directories, including those with the highest Google Page Rank and Alex rating, you stand a good chance of getting your article promoted positively, achieving a good position within Google’s search results, and in turn, helping to Iphone 4s Cases boost your own website.However, many article marketers use this strategy in the mistaken belief that Google penalises for duplicate content. Google has stated many times that it doesn’t penalise duplicate content - it simply awards duplicate content a lower relevancy rank than unique, original content. This means that if you publish an article to fifty directories, you’ll probably find only one gets into the top pages of the search results. But the others will still all work as valuable backlinks, assuming the article directories don’t decline to publish your article of course.Strategy 2: Submit your article to hundreds of article directories.Many article marketers use this technique, posting their custom SEO articles to hundreds of directories. Of course, you may wonder how they manage to achieve this. A manual article submission may well take a couple of minutes. After you have typed the web address, waited for it to load, logged in, clicked the link to submit an article, copied and pasted each section, and then previewed it if necessary you can easily find that two minutes have passed. To submit to a hundred articles could therefore take over three hours. Bear in mind that many article promoters submit to over 500 directories, and you can imagine that this could easily become a full time job, just submitting a couple of articles a week!The answer is that these promoters don’t use manual submissions. Instead they use one of the many automated article submitters available on the web. These utilities automatically submit an article to hundreds of directories in just a few minutes, without you having to do anything, or even be at your computer. Sounds good? Remember that these utilities are far from perfect, and your article may end up being spammed to directories, ending up in categories which are inappropriate, published in the wrong way, and any error you make with a link or a typo will be multiplied hundreds of times!Having a custom SEO article published to hundreds of directories will not result in hundreds of active, high ranking backlinks though. Google will not list every instance of your article for a keyword search. One, perhaps two if you’re lucky, might appear in the first few pages. Other instances may work in manually directing people to your website, but will do relatively little. However, the argument that relatively little result for no additional work on your part still represents a worthwhile activity holds some truth.Strategy 3: Submit your custom SEO articles to multiple article directories, your blog and your website.Some people try to make the most of every article which an article service creates. But by publishing an article on your own website and on your blog you could actually find your website being demoted, rather than promoted! Why? The answer is that Google will usually only list one instance of your article in its results - at least, only one within the first few pages. Which example of your article depends largely on luck - but all other instances will appear very much lower down the search results pages. If Google finds your article on a directory, it may well list it on page one of the results. But then if Google comes across the same article on your website, it treats it as duplicate content, and lists it much further down the results than the first instance it came across. This means that your article might outperform your own website! Not what you’re after. The best advice is to publish only original, unique content on your website.An article service will usually be able to provide you with this unique original content for your website, as well as custom SEO articles for publication to as many, or as few article directories as you prefer.

